This past Friday's Animal Crossing Direct broadcast, which was 20 minutes long, managed to cram an insane amount of new content for Animal Crossing: New Horizons into the time allotted. The free and paid updates bring a slew of new characters and features to the island, including Brewster and The Roost, as well as a slew of new features to the island, including the addition of the museum.
Players will not be able to access all of the new content until the following day, despite the fact that both of these updates will be released on November 5. The DLC costs $24.99 on its own or $49.99 per year if purchased in conjunction with the Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack, respectively.
For those who are unsure of what is included and what is not in Happy Home Paradise prior to the game's release date on November 5, we've broken down what is included as part of the free update and what is separate from the game in Happy Home Paradise.
The Animal Crossing Direct, whether or not it included the announcement of Happy Home Paradise, contained a significant amount of new information and updates for fans of the game. All that we know about the new free content from the publisher that we have learned so far is contained within this document. Here’s all about the ACNH Tomato Festival event 2022
Additionally, Brewster was a fascinating character to watch out for. The pigeon that brings the first cup of coffee in the morningThe Roost, a new restaurant in Brewster that will open on November 5 as part of an expansion of the Brewster Historical Museum, will be the first of its kind in the town. Brewster's Coffee Shop, a hidden gem on the upper-left side of the museum, serves up the best cup of joe to the islanders of the New Horizons International Space Station, which is located on the upper-right side of the museum. Following Isabelle's appearance in the video, it is clear that The Roost will most likely serve as a meeting place for islanders looking to get to know one another more intimately in the future. Aspects of the show's characters that are particularly popular with the audience Some of the Animal Crossing characters from previous Animal Crossing games may appear in New Horizons, but this is not a foregone conclusion. Players are transported to exclusive islands by Kapp'n, a boat captain who sings seafaring tunes to keep them entertained while they are on board the vessel. On a pier in the city, he can be found awaiting the opportunity to set sail for a mysterious island that he considers being his home. The newly constructed marketplace will be staffed by Katrina and Harriet, who will open a shop on Harv's island in order to serve the needs of their customers. Harriet will provide haircuts (with a variety of new options available), and Katrina will also provide haircuts in addition to daily fortune telling. In contrast to the rest of the players, they will be able to customize items in ways that are not otherwise available to them. This is a significant advantage. Harv's island marketplace will provide us with better and more consistent access to other New Horizons vendors, such as Kicks and Redd, as a result of Harv's island marketplace. Gyroid cells are a type of cell that can be found in the body of the human being. In addition to finding and collecting gyroids all over the island, players can also plant and water gyroids in order to increase the number of gyroids they have in their possession.)(They're also more likely to appear in large numbers after a rainstorm, which is another plus.) Gyroids come in a variety of variations and customization options in addition to the basic design. According to Nintendo, Gyroids can be customized to match the mood of a specific location or environment. Despite the fact that gyroids continue to make bizarre noises, they can now sync their movements to the beat of music. STRENGTH IMPROVEMENT With their Joy-Con controllers in hand, players can join the villagers in their island plaza, where they can improve their muscle endurance while interacting with the villagers and villagers. Real-world performance of the moves is also possible, and players are encouraged to do so while using the motion controls to control their character on the screen. In addition, it has a very pleasant scent to it. Agriculture and culinary arts are two of the most important industries in the world. This is an expansion of the pumpkin-growing feature that was introduced last year. The addition of these crops complements the pumpkin-growing feature, which was introduced last season. In the same way that pumpkins do, it appears that they can be used in the same way that they can be used in the kitchen, which is quite interesting! DIY Recipes+ item with Nook Miles earned through gameplay. If you watched Nintendo's Animal Crossing Direct, you might have noticed that the company showcased a variety of new cooked food items. These included sandwich fillings, smoothies, soups, pasta, and more. In essence, New Horizons has evolved into a fully functional farming and cooking simulator. It is available for download now. It is currently available for download